
Meet Isabella, the Office Manager at Regis Weston, who has a passion for helping others.  

Starting her time with Regis in October 2022, she instantly loved the friendly and welcoming nature of her coworkers. “The teamwork is great here,” says Isabella. A typical day in her role is a busy one keeping her on her toes, beginning her day with a morning frontline meeting as well as greeting residents, before working on a number of her tasks and duties.  

Isabella enjoys the variety that comes with working in the aged care sector, but most importantly the time she gets to spend with the older members of the community. 

“The elderly have a lot of wisdom and life experience which you can learn from,” says Isabella. 

She encourages anyone contemplating a career in the aged care sector to “give it a go, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain.” 

We’re proud to have wonderful employees like Isabella here at Regis and thank her for all her hard work in creating the best environment possible for our employees and residents.