
Winner: Nadia Butler

Finalist: Ken Selim

To her colleagues at Regis Port Stephens, Nadia Butler is the type of person that doesn’t have a negative bone in her body. Effortlessly optimistic, Nadia makes everyone at the Home smile and brings laughter and joy to all.

Nadia truly cares and knows the importance of keeping residents active and engaged. She’s fantastic at getting residents involved in activities with her brilliant mix of humour and conversation. Going out of her way for a resident is never a problem, and she always makes sure to do so with a smile.

Nadia engages with residents from day one, building a solid relationship that ensures she can provide care that suits their needs. Kindness and enthusiasm go a long way in lifting someone’s mood and it’s something that Nadia doesn’t forget. Every interaction she has with a resident is thoughtful and considerate of their situation or needs.

Whether it is making residents laugh with her dancing and singing or having heartfelt and compassionate conversations with family members, Nadia’s admirable efforts are appreciated by all. As one of her fellow colleagues says, Nadia makes everyone feel loved.

Congratulations Nadia! We cannot wait to see what the future at Regis holds for you!